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First Blockchain Technology Development Conference in Malaysia

9 March 2018 – KUALA LUMPUR: The World Blockchain Foundation (WBF), the organiser of the inaugural Hardcore Uncensored Blockchain 2018 (HUB 2018) has successfully held its first Blockchain technology development conference in Malaysia. The conference was jointly organised by Blockchain Zoo and Worldwide Consumers’ Association. The interactive one-day event was attended by more than 500 people from all over the world.

Aimed at genuine enthusiasts of Blockchain, the conference seeks to dispel the myth that Blockchain is just a way to create a token to sell for financing purposes. According to Mr. Lee Willson, Founding President of WBF and Blockchain Ambassador, “The development of Blockchain is gaining traction in Malaysia and I believe there are many Blockchain enthusiasts including start-ups out there that just want the access and the opportunity to learn about the technology without being targeted for Initial Token Sales.”

The event featured top and leading Blockchain project teams including BITARK, INDORSE, GCOX, SMARTMESH, ELASTOS, IBERGO, SAFE, BIOBRIDGE, IOTCHAIN AND IDHUB. The project teams showcased their groundbreaking and revolutionary ideas to the amazement of the participants, unlike other Blockchain events that hardly talks about the technology behind the hype. With the succcess of HUB 2018, attendees can now look forward to the next big conference which will be held sometime this year.



Our mission is to support and coordinate the efforts of the Blockchain community by helping to create greater awareness of the benefits of the Blockchain technology through a concerted effort in educational and awareness campaigns to promote the use of Blockchain technology and its related technological requirements for enthusiasts, developers, regulators, technologists, practitioners and users globally.

World Blockchain Foundation (acronym WBF) is founded in mid 2016 by Mr Lee Willson (popularly known as Blockchain Ambassador) who embarked on the world’s first documented Bitcoin World Tour and created the world’s most attended Blockchain show Bitcoinomics.

WBF is a legal entity registered under the Society’s Act 1966 by the Government of Malaysia, allowing it to register members, accept donations and operate in public interests relating to Blockchain technology.

For HUB 2018 KL conference photos, please email or our Facebook

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Malaysia Chosen to hold World’s First Blockchain Technology Development Conference

23 January 2018, Kuala Lumpur: The World Blockchain Foundation (WBF), the organiser of the inaugural Hardcore Uncensored Blockchain 2018 (HUB 2018) has chosen Malaysia to be the first country to hold this blockchain technology development conference.
Aimed at genuine enthusiasts of blockchain, the conference seeks to dispel the myth that blockchain is just a way to create a token to sell for financing purposes. This interactive one-day event, which will be held on 9 March 2018 at Chuai Heng Banquet Hall in Kuala Lumpur, based on the popular ‘Ask-Me-Anything’ concept will showcase advancements in the technology and upcoming groundbreaking projects and Initial Token Sales.
According to Lee Wilson, Founding President of of WBF and Asia’s Blockchain Ambassador, “The development of blockchain is gaining traction in Malaysia and I believe there are many blockchain enthusiasts including start-ups out there that just want the access and the opportunity to learn about the technology without being targeted for Initial Token Sales.”
Lee added, “Hub 2018 presents a platform for genuine enthusiasts to meet up and discuss the premise, purpose and potential of the blockchain projects featured. We hope that through this platform, more likeminded bonafide blockchain projects and teams will be able to showcase their groundbreaking and revolutionary ideas to the world.
The trendiest topic these days is the blockchain. The market is currently constantly bombarded with talk of crypto currencies, token sales, with commercial blockchain events being advertised weekly globally. Yet, how many of these blockchain events truly talk about the technology behind the hype?
“We want to show the world that blockchain technology has many real world use cases and is going to be a part of our daily lives. At HUB2018, attendees will get a chance to discover the story behind the technology, learn and experience how they work and be part of the future”, said Lee.
Hub 2018 will feature 11 exciting new projects from around the globe.
Opened to only 600 attendees, those who are interested to attend the conference can find out more and register via with a registration fee ranging from USD120 to USD380. Registration is opened from now till 2 March 2018 with an early bird special until 15 February 2018. Malaysians registering during this period will enjoy a special ‘homeground’ from RM388.
The conference is jointly organised by Blockchain Zoo and Worldwide Consumers’ Association.
For media inquiries, please contact William at 016-3166066: or email:

HUB 2018 KL

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史上首届世界级区块链技术展示峰会 – HUB 2018

HUB2018 Promo1


《吉隆坡 1日讯》世界区块链基金会是本次活动的主办方并在马来西亚举办首届[高清无码解密区块链]峰会。



李大使补充“HUB 2018为真正的区块链爱好者提供了一个平台,讨论区块链项目的前提、目的和潜力。并且通过这个平台演示应用,可以集合更多志同道合的区块链项目和团队并将其开创性和革命性的想法推广到全世界。区块链一词是现今的潮流用语,但人们只是谈论加密资产和首次众筹,却没有一个良好的机会真正地去了解这项技术。目前几乎所有的区块链活动都是商业性盈利性的,就像那些时尚杂志一样充满了广告却没有足够的相关内容。通过此活动,我们希望向全世界展示区块链技术有许多真实世界的使用案例,并将成为我们日常生活的一部分。在HUB2018,出席者将有机会了解到每一项卓越技术背后的故事,体验它如何运作及怎样成为未来的一部分。”


总共开放600个名额,有兴趣出席此峰会的人士可以通过    ,报名费介于120美金至380美金。报名开放至2018年3月2日。在2018年2月15日之前报名者将享有早鸟优惠。马来西亚的民众可获得特惠价由RM388起。







如有任何媒体询问,请联络William 016-3166066 或电邮至


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CEF Blockchain Bootcamp: Community Outreach

CEF Blockchain Bootcamp: Community Outreach

The Game has Changed

Crypto Assets have changed the finance/venture/startup world as we know it.  Companies are raising 100’s of millions of dollars in hours/days. Tens of millions in minutes. More than 2.1B in 2017 alone.

In this session we will discuss the what, the how, and the why.

Please read this <> before the session.

Questions that will be answered during the community outreach meet-up:

•  What is Blockchain?

•  Why are so many people talking about Bitcoin?

•  What is CEF?

•  How do we participate?

•  What is the relationship between CEF and WBF/BWF/IFF?

•  Is Crypto Endowment Fund the right path for my portfolio?

If you’re a crypto enthusiast in KL or MY that is thinking of or have started building your portfolios on crypto assets, please PM us your details, and we will send you a personal invitation for the event.

Or you may find more information from the official website, www.cefund.ioFacebookMeetup

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The BrandLaureate Awards 2016 – 2017 年度最卓越品牌奖

WhatsApp Image 2017-05-24 at 12.44.14 PM
于2017年5月22日在马来西亚吉隆坡大华酒店 (The Majestic Hotel) 举行的The BrandLaureate Awards 2016 – 2017最卓越品牌颁奖典礼上,比特币大使李威声 (Lee Willson) 凭着他的比特币环游世界 (Bitcoin World Tour) 以及世界区块链基金会 (World Blockchain Foundation) 荣获“最卓越世界品牌大奖”两项殊荣,誉满全场!这些年来他也致力于发展和推广比特币和区块链技术的而扬威国际,成就有目共睹!


关于比特币大使李威声 (LEE WILLSON)

马来西亚国籍的Willson,毕业于英国特许公认会计师公会(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants),是知名的国际企业顾问。2004年受中国国务院邀请代表海外华裔青年企业家在北京人民大会堂向国家领导发言。 集演讲家,投资家,旅行家,评论家,作家于一身。Willson也是全球唯一与华尔街风云人物吉姆罗杰斯 (Jim Rogers) 同台演讲的投资家;是全球首个用比特币环游世界 (Bitcoin World Tour) 并拍成纪录片的人,受邀在世界各地高峰论坛会发表[加密经济风暴演说秀],电影[比特风云 The Man from Bitcoin]全球宣传大使,世界区块链基金会 (World Blockchain Foundation) 永久主席, ,已然成为全球公认的加密数字资产专家和形象代言人!


通过比特币环游世界的主题,Willson让大家更加有兴趣地去了解知道比特币这个加密货币的认同跟认可,他正做着改变世界的一件事,而他也非常喜欢印度国父莫罕达斯.卡拉姆昌得.甘地 (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) 的一句话:

You must be the change you want to see in the world”



THE BRANDLAUREATE在品牌与商标的世界掀起一股浪潮。这个BrandLaureate卓越品牌奖项代表了世界所提供的最好品牌。这个锡镴奖杯,镀上24K金,并以最精致的施华洛世奇水晶做为装饰,象征着品牌致胜的成功与卓越的品牌追求。同时这项殊荣也表彰拥有杰出品牌并为马来西亚经济作出重大贡献的著名品牌。


历届得奖者也是各领域的佼佼者,其中包括了一些家喻户晓的领导人物和企业如维珍集团创办人Sir Richard Branson;国际名人终生成就奖方面,曾获奖的人包括已故苹果之父 Steve Jobs、前南非总统 Nelson Mandela、拳王 Muhammad Ali、前美国国务卿 Hillary Clinton;最佳传奇人物奖项有足球运动员 Cristiano Ronaldo、哈利波特作者J. K. Rowling、前曼联主帅 Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson CBE、国际巨星 Tom Cruise、导演李安、中国运动员姚明;最佳标志性人物有面子书创始人 Mark Zuckerberg;最佳品牌个性奖项得主中有歌手王力宏、周杰伦、国际著名钢琴家郎朗;国际巨星成龙等人皆是荣获 BrandLaureate 卓越品牌奖项的人。

而今天比特币大使李威声凭着他的比特币环游世界 (Bitcoin World Tour) 以及世界区块链基金会 (World Blockchain Foundation) 荣获“最卓越世界品牌大奖”两项殊荣,也可说是与这些知名品牌、人物奖项齐名,是至高的一项荣誉!


2016 – 2017年BrandLaureate卓越品牌奖是由亚太品牌基金会Asia Pacific Brand Foundation (APBF) 所主办,也是世界上唯一被受承认的品牌基金会在马来西亚及其他区域的各中小型企业的卓越品牌。这次的BrandLaureate卓越品牌奖及其主题是“为您品牌的诚信,品质,信誉承担责任Take responsibility of your brand for your brand integrity, quality, credibility”.



WhatsApp Image 2017-05-24 at 12.44.04 PM

作为BrandLaureate 2016 – 2017世界最卓越品牌奖的获奖者,Willson拥有一个驱动品牌的使命和强大的品牌文化,使之能够满足品牌的目标。而这次凭着他的比特币环游世界 (Bitcoin World Tour) 以及世界区块链基金会 (World Blockchain Foundation) 同时荣获“最卓越世界品牌大奖”两项殊荣,对他和团队而言都是一个重要的里程碑。



对比特币大使李威声而言,世界上的每一个人都是成就比特币价值的一份子。在他的演说秀上,不难发现他也是一名风趣的主讲人,所谓“用地球人的语言”来让大家知道何为比特币和区块链技术,拥有比特币也不是金融和科技达人的专利。比特币对社会带来的好处,尤其是“去中心化 Decentralisation”和“分布式 Distributed”等特点,都是值得大家关注的。








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The First Mega Bitcoinomics Talk Show of 2017

More to come?
Hopefully so as China seems to be taking a harder stance whenever the price of Bitcoin skyrocketed.
Bitcoinomics Talk Show will build a stronger and mature market foundation that will support its growth.

The first mega Bitcoinomics Talk Show of 2017 was successfully held in Macau yesterday.

World Blockchain Foundation would like to thank Sec-Gen of DACA Prof. Han, Thomas Glucksmann of Gatecoin, Virgilio Lizardo of BitBank, Jack Liao of Lightning Asic and singer of the Bitcoin song ZhangZhang for their stellar performance that perfected the talk show.

2017年首场大型公开《加密财富风暴演说秀》圆满完成。主办方世界区块链基金会在此鸣谢DACA秘书长韩锋老师、Gatecoin市场总监Thomas Glucksmann、Bitbank国际市场总监Virgilio Lizardo、闪电矿机廖翔和比特币原唱张张共襄盛举。

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Bitcoinomics Talk Show – Macau

First ever and biggest blockchain talk show!
Alien’s technology in human language understandable by man on the street.
Some blame the uncontrollable rise of bitcoin on it, some say it’s the best way to learn about bitcoin, blockchain and smart contracts.
One thing’s for sure, it’s gonna be the most entertaining one!

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